Payment Plan Updated
Return file for the updates made to the payment plan
This return file contains any updates to the payment plan made by customers, agent or system. A record will be included in the report if the updates trigger changes to any of the following fields:
- Recurring Amount
- Due Date (Next Instalment Date)
- Frequency
- Fees (when surcharge is enabled)
- Expected Completion Date
- Remaining number of instalments
Column Name | Example/ Accepted Value |
integration_link_id | A1234567_987654321 |
invoice_number | IN12345 |
correlation_id | 8b7ad8ef-e3f6-4ee1-9f46-b850f6794862 |
reason | Reason for the changes to payment plan NextInstalmentSkipped, RecurringAmountOrFrequencyChanged PaymentInstrumentChanged, OutstandingAmountChanged, PaymentPlanPaused, PaymentPlanResumed, PaymentPlanCancelled, PaymentPlanFullyPaid |
previous_active_instalment_id | c4ff9f6f-c5a4-443b-a86b-21c7738f19c9 |
new_active_instalment_id | c4ff9f6f-c5a4-443b-a86b-21c7738f19c9 |
previous_due_date | 2023-09-04T20:43:31.772+10 |
new_due_date | 2023-09-28T20:43:31.772+10 |
previous_recurring_amount | 150 |
new_recurring_amount | 120 |
previous_frequency | Fortnightly, Monthly, Weekly |
new_frequency | Fortnightly, Monthly, Weekly |
previous_fee_amount | 15 |
new_fee_amount | 12 |
previous_number_of_remaining_instalments | 18 |
new_number_of_remaining_instalments | 17 |
previous_expected_completion_date | 2024-03-31T10:00:03.624+10 |
new_expected_completion_date | 2024-05-01T10:00:03.624+10 |
updated_on | 2023-09-04T20:43:31.772+10 |
Updated 3 months ago