
Debtor Accounts

This file is typically an extract from your CRM system, it consists of accounts that you would like Credit Clear to treat.

File type

  • Delimited file format such as CSV
  • Excel format (*.xlsx)

Standard fields


Column headers

Please note that the column headers in your file may differ and that is ok. For example, your file may have AmountDue instead of OutstandingAmount, this is perfectly fine. We can map the fields to the standard fields below as long as they represent the same thing.

ClientReferenceThe unique reference for this account. This field is used to link the account in Credit Clear and your CRM system for the exchange of data. Yes
BrandThis field can be used to segment the data into different Credit Clear portals or into different campaignsNo
PortfolioThis field can be used to segment the data into different Credit Clear portals or into different campaignsNo
StatusThe status of the account. This determines how Credit Clear will treat the account in the platform. It has to be one of the following values:
Active: This means the account is eligible for appropriate treatment on the platform and the customer can view the link and interact with the portal.
Hold: Some activities of the platform will be paused for this customer (eg: communications and payment plans).
Closed: No activity can be performed by the customer on the platform and this account will not be treated in any campaign by Credit Clear.

The default value "Active" is assumed.
InvoiceNumberThis is the invoice or account number that your customer recognizes. This is usually the same as ClientReference above. Only required if it is different.Yes
ReferenceAdditional reference number that can be included in the communications to your customers. Only required if it is different to InvoiceNumber or ClientReferenceNo
PaymentReconciliationReferenceThis reference number is what Credit Clear will use to process the transaction through the payment gateway. If not supplied, ClientReference will be used.No
BPayReferenceThe BPay reference number that the customer can use if paying through BPayNo
DueDateInvoice or account due date. Any standard ISO date format will work.Yes
OutstandingAmountDecimal value rounded to 2 placesYes
MaxDiscountPercentageThis is an override to any Discount Plans that are offered as part of a campaign to customers. The customer will be offered the minimum of a discount plan or MaxDiscountPercentage.
Rounded to 2 decimal places
FloorPriceOnly applicable if utilizing the "Make an offer" feature. If the customer offers to pay less than this, then FloorPrice will be offered back to the customer to settle the account.
Rounded to 2 decimal places
CompanyNameOnly applicable if the customer is a business. Only required if FirstName, LastName and FullName are not available.No
FirstNameFirst name of the customerNo
LastNameLast name of the customerNo
FullNameOnly required if FirstName, LastName and CompanyName are not available separately above.No
MobilePhoneEither MobilePhone or EmailAddress is mandatory.
04xxxxxxxx or
EmailAddressEither MobilePhone or EmailAddress is mandatoryNo
CommunicationPreferenceThis field specifies the customer’s communication preference, also referred to as the preferred method of contact. It’s important to note that the system may still use other provided methods for communication.

The supported values are:
CallbackPhoneNumberWhen provided, this will be shown to the customer if they want to call and discuss their account. This is only applicable if you have a different phone number for different cohorts of customers. If there is a single phone number for your company for all customers to call, then this is not required.No
CurrencyCodeThe default is AUD. Only applicable if your payment gateway is configured to support multiple currencies and your customers reside in those currency locationsNo
StreetNumberCustomer's address street numberNo
StreetNameCustomer's address street nameNo
CityOrSuburbCustomer's address CityNo
StateThis is important for regulatory reasons and allows us to stop communications when certain States have their public holidays.No
PostalCodeThis is important for regulatory reasons and allows us to stop communications when certain postcodes are affected by natural disasters or special events.No
FullAddressOnly applicable if the above address fields are not available separately.No
SendInstantMessageThis field enables you to send an instant message to customers using pre-configured message templates. These templates can be set up in the client portal.

The supported values are:

Non-standard fields

Apart from the fields above, if there is data in your file that you feel is relevant for collections and campaigns, then please include them in your upload. The Credit Clear system can map all non-standard fields from your file and lets you use them in workflows and campaigns for the best results.


Please let your digital solutions consultant know of non-standard fields so we can map them appropriately in the Credit Clear platform.