

Metadata field

Some activity event types also comes with metadata to provide further information about the event

Event typeDescriptionMetadata
PaymentPlanStartedPayment arrangement started
PaymentPlanCancelledPayment arrangement cancelled- CancelledDate - The time the payment plan cancelled in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-03T12:58:07.9850068Z

- PaymentFrequency - The frequency of the payment, possible values: Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Daily

- RecurringAmount - The amount for each instalment e.g. 59.0
PaymentPlanPaymentDuePayment arrangement payment due
PaymentPlanPaymentRetryPayment arrangement payment retry
PaymentPlanPaymentSuccessPayment arrangement payment successful
PaymentPlanCompletePayment arrangement completed- EndDate - The time the payment plan completed in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-03T12:41:48.7669804Z

- RecurringPaymentId - Unique identifier of the payment plan e.g. 066c92a8-438c-475f-979c-ce4bf592e0b8
RequestCallBackViewedRequest callback viewed
PaymentPlanViewedPayment arrangement viewed
PayNowViewedPayment now viewed
RequestCallBackSentRequest call back sent
AdhocPaymentMadeCustomer made adhoc payment- TransactionId - Transaction ID of the payment

- Amount - The amount paid e.g. 1235.0

- PaymentType - The type of payment of this transaction e.g. FatZebraCreditCard

- IsAdhocPayment - True when the payment is a adhoc payment
PaymentFailedPayment failed- TransactionId - Transaction ID of the payment

- Amount - The amount paid e.g. 1245.0

- PaymentType - The type of payment of this transaction e.g. FatZebraCreditCard

- TransactionCorrelationId - Unique Identifier of the transaction e.g. 08644c2b-aac2-4ddd-9274-0476175eb6ac

- ProcessedOnUtc - The time the payment is processed in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-03T11:26:16.4307546Z

- IsAdhocPayment - False when the payment is a payment plan instalment and True when the payment is an adhoc payment

- AdhocPaymentFailedSinceLastSuccess - Count of failed adhoc payments since the last (if any) successful one, including payment retry as each retry is treated as a new transaction

- NonAdhocPaymentFailedSinceLastSuccess - Count of failed non-adhoc payments since the last (if any) successful one, including payment retry as each retry is treated as a new transaction

- RetryCount - Count of retry attempts to process the payment
PaymentSuccessPayment successful- TransactionId - Transaction ID of the payment

- Amount - The amount paid e.g. 45.0

- PaymentType - The type of payment of this transaction e.g. FatZebraCreditCard

- TransactionCorrelationId - Unique Identifier of the transaction e.g. 08644c2b-aac2-4ddd-9274-0476175eb6ac

- PaidOnUtc - The time the payment is paid in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-03T11:26:16.4307546Z

- IsAdhocPayment - False when the payment is a payment plan instalment and True when the payment is an adhoc payment

- TotalDiscountAmountToDate - The total invoice discount amount applied to date. If more than one discount has been applied to the invoice then this would be a sum of those.
PaymentReceiptSentPayment receipt sent to custoemr
PartialPaymentMadeCustomer made partual payment
PaidInvoiceReopenedPaid invoice reopened
MessageQueuedMessage processed on our end
MessageDeliveredReceived the confirmation of message delivery to customer
MessageFailedMessage failed to deliver to customer
MessageOpenedMessage opened by customer
MessageClickedMessage clicked by customer
MessageSpamReportMessage reported as spam by customer
MessageScheduledMessage scheduled
InvoiceCreatedInvoice created
InvoiceFullyPaidInvoice fully paid
InvoiceVoidedInvoice voided
ContactDisabledContact disabled
TransactionCreatedTransaction created
FeedbackReceivedFeedback received
InvoiceUnvoidedInvoice unvoided
AgentPaymentLinkViewedAgent viewed the payment link
InvoiceChallengeSuccessCustomer successfully clear invoice challenge
InvoiceChallengeFailedCustomer failed invoice
PaymentPortalVisitedCustomer visited payment portal
WebsiteInvoiceAccessPortal is accessed by customer through invoice search screen or landing page
NpsQuestionAskedNPS question asked to customer
PaymentPortalRatedPayment portal rated
PaymentPortalNpsCollectedNPS collected - NPS - the NPS score selected by the user. This value is from 0 to 10

- Comment - an optional comment entered by the user
PaymentPortalDisputeRequestedCustomer raises dispute
PaymentPortalOfferMadeCustomer makes an offer
FinancialHardshipPageViewedCustomer viewed the financial hardship page
FinancialHardshipFormDownloadedCustomer downloaded financial hardship form
InvoiceAttachmentViewedCustomer downloaded invoice attachment
InvoiceAttachmentChallengeSuccessCustomer successfully passed invoice attachment verification screen
InvoiceAttachmentChallengeFailedCustomer failed to pass invoice attachment verification screen
InvoiceAttachmentChallengePageViewedCustomer viewed attachment verification screen
HelpArticlesPageViewedCustomer viewed help article page
HelpArticlesHaveNotHelpedClickedCustomer clicked help article did not help
BPayViewedBPay viewed
VerificationPageViewedVerification page viewed
HardshipRequestCallBackSentHardship request callback sent
CampaignCommsPausedCampaign communication paused
CampaignCommsResumedCampaign communication resumed
PaymentPlanPausedPayment arrangement pause- RecurringPaymentId - Unique identifier of the payment plan e.g. 066c92a8-438c-475f-979c-ce4bf592e0b8

- OccurredAtUtc - The time the payment plan is paused in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-03T12:44:41.1420683Z
PaymentPlanResumedPayment arrangement resumed- RecurringPaymentId - Unique identifier of the payment plan e.g. 066c92a8-438c-475f-979c-ce4bf592e0b8

- OccurredAtUtc - The time the payment plan is resumed in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-03T12:52:55.1904722Z
PaymentPlanScheduledPayment arrangement scheduled- StartDate - Time scheduled to start in ISO 8601 format e.g. 2021-11-05T00:00:00.000000Z

- RecurringPaymentId - Unique identifier of the payment plan e.g. 066c92a8-438c-475f-979c-ce4bf592e0b8

- PaymentFrequency - The frequency of the payment, possible values: Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Daily

- RecurringAmount - The amount for each instalment e.g. 100.0
InvoiceAttachmentUploadedThe attachment for invoice presentment is uploaded to CreditClear
BlockedDueToNoAttachmentThe customer got onto the payment portal but the attachment for invoice presentment is not available in CreditClear. This only happens when configured to decline access when no document is available
PaymentPlanAmountFrequencyUpdatedCustomer updated payment arrangement amount or frequency
PaymentPlanNextInstalmentSkippedCustomer skipped next instalment
PaymentInstrumentAddedCustomer added a new payment instrument such as credit card
PaymentInstrumentRemovedCustomer removed a payment instrument
DefaultPaymentInstrumentChangedCustomer updated the default payment instrument used for installment charges


Insurance integration

These activity events are only related to Insurance integration

Event typeDescription
VersionDiagramFormDownloadedCustomer downloaded version diagram aka liability dispute form
ClaimPortalVisitedCustomer visted claim portal
PersonalDetailsStepViewedCustomer viewed personal details step
PersonalDetailsStepSubmittedCustomer submitted personal details step
IsInsuredStepViewedCustomer viewed is insured step
IsInsuredStepSubmittedCustomer submitted is insured step
InsurerNameStepViewedCustomer viewed is insurer name step
InsurerNameStepSubmittedCustomer submitted is insurer name step
IsClaimLodgedStepViewedCustomer viewed is claim lodged step
IsClaimLodgedStepSubmittedCustomer submitted is claim lodged step
ClaimNumberStepViewedCustomer viewed claim number step
ClaimNumberStepSubmittedCustomer submitted claim number step
NotLodgedClaimReasonStepViewedCustomer viewed not lodged claim reason step
NotLodgedClaimReasonStepSubmittedCustomer viewed not lodged claim reason step
AcceptClaimLiabilityStepViewedCustomer viewed accept claim liability step
AcceptClaimLiabilityStepSubmittedCustomer submitted accept claim liability step
ClaimCompletedStepViewedCustomer viewed completed step
ClaimCompletedCustomer completed claim
AcceptedLiabilityCustoemer accepted liability
DisputedLiabilityCustomer viewed not lodged claim reason step
UpdateContactInfoRequestReceivedRequest to update contact infor received from customer
SupportPhoneNumberClickedCustomer clicked support phone number